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Hooksexup Confessions: Cunnilingus

There was a question on yesterdays confessions that got a bunch of responses, so I thought I'd throw them up on one page and see what you peeps had to say on the subject.

Do men like cunnilingus?

The original question was posed:

With the following replies:




But what if you didn't like it? Could ya fake it?

See, I know that this is the major reason that I don't want to have sex with a woman. In my head, I have sex with them pretty often, but in reality I've no desire whatsoever to go muff diving. I'd have no problem at all with a woman going down on me, but I just wouldn't want to reciprocate. Actually, I could just be a very selfish lesbian huh?

Is there something instinctive and automatic that makes a man want to go down? And if so why? It serves no biological purpose that I can think of and does nothing to aid procreation, which is after all what we are here for. Social conditioning notwithstanding.

A man not liking cunnilingus is a deal breaker for me. I wouldn't give him a second chance to develop a taste for it. (And apparently I taste like mango) Unless he was 17 and I was his first.
A man that doesn't go down is just not manly enough for me. I find it perfectly acceptable for my gay friends to screw up their faces and say "ewwww, that's gross" but if a straight man has even a hint of distaste for the practise, I'd ask him to keep it moving. Even if he was handsome and powerful.

So, can I get a witness here? Talk to me about cunnilingus people.


And whilst I am thinking about cunnilingus, let me tell you who's doing me in my imagination:


 Sometimes when I am tired, I need to fall back on an old faithful to get me where I need to be. The deliciously useful Johnny Depp.


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Comments ( 39 )

What a coincidence. The most eager guy who went down on me looked kind of like JD. So are you saying that if someone wasn't normally really into the practice you wouldn't give him a chance even if he was willing to try to do it more for you, or are you speaking only of men who act like it's distasteful here? I don't know -oral (giving or receiving) isn't really one of the highest things on my priority list. But I'm pretty young I guess, so maybe that will change...
Toluca_86 commented on Sep 19 08 at 12:55 pm
I can't speak for other guys, but I consider it a biological imperative! I could go for a wiseass answer, but I really do think it's hardwired by science. Perhaps there are guys whose hang-ups outweigh that? The only guy I've ever spoken to who claimed not to like it was a downstairs neighbor who also carried on about how "eating swine" was a "filthy practice" yet it was a rare Sunday morning when the smell of frying bacon didn't waft up through his ceiling. The smell, the taste, the sight... very little gets me going more. And I've only met one woman ever that didn't really care for it. That never lasted long enough for me to see if her mind could be changed. Are there women that just plain don't like to have a man go south?
recycledbrooklyn commented on Sep 19 08 at 5:49 am
Mango, eh? Slurp, slurp, slurp...
xcalibur86 commented on Sep 19 08 at 6:20 am
i don't think i've ever been with a guy (in my adult years) that didn't go down. and they have all claimed to love it - i wouldn't be with them otherwise, not worth it to me, mostly because my most intense orgasms are achieved thru cunnilingus. and to Toluca - i was pretty young when i discovered the joys of oral, i think 19 when i had my first orgasm that way. maybe you're just not that into it. or maybe no one's done you right.
shakti_vos commented on Sep 19 08 at 8:10 am
Absolutely! its yummy! something cold, something hot. don't start me....
Anonymous commented on Sep 19 08 at 8:58 am
Who can resist a face full of pheromones? Recycled: I've run into a couple of women in my time who didn't like receiving oral sex. They had massive body and self-image issues, and if I were still on the market and met another, I'd run like hell.
profrobert commented on Sep 19 08 at 11:03 am
Is eating out this 'rare' activity? Jesus... Isn't it just a normal or rather requisite part of having sex?
zeitgeisty commented on Sep 19 08 at 11:21 am
shakti: Yeah, I don't know if I could get off that way, actually. I've discussed with some female friends and I think I require harder stimulation to get off than some women do... so that could be part of it. Or maybe I just haven't met someone with the right technique. I'm also one of those women who once I get off I become super-sensitive and don't want to be touched for awhile though. zeitgeisty: I wouldn't call it a "rare" activity, but there are still plenty of men who don't do it, or will only do it if they really love the woman. I definitely have some appreciation for a guy who's into it, don't get me wrong. But that's more about the concept than about what it actually does for me...
Toluca_86 commented on Sep 20 08 at 12:38 am
Whistling Dixie downstairs is the only sex routine I take seriously. A freebie gets a girl warmed up and generous (for gentlemen, you've already started off with a bang, negating possible performance anxiety). I've never met one of these mythical cads who refuses, but, as Ed Anger would say, I'd be "pig-biting mad" if such a simple and delightful option was off the sexual menu.
dvaleriey commented on Sep 19 08 at 1:02 pm
Toluca - looked like Depp, but not a cunning linguist??? My heart bleeds for you. I've been into receiving it since my teens so if my lover isn't into it, then I couldn't be into him. I would find out that before we went to bed though and, if it wasn't his thing, wouldn't have sex with him. If I was 20 something, it might be that the dude was young and could therefore warm to it, but since my dates are in their 30s and up, I'd have to think there was something wrong with them to not be into it. recycled - A friend complained recently about an over enthusiastic cunning linguist who "are it like soup" and apparently made terrible slurping sounds. I guess there is such a thing as too into it - there was that Sex in the City overeater remember? acamil - zactly
airheadgenius commented on Sep 19 08 at 1:11 pm
recycled again - missed a bit out. I have a friend who says his wife isn't into it. He says that he "doesn't mind" doing it, but she won't let him. Well, the "doesn't mind" right there is the problem! And as mentioned in one of the confessions, women can be turned off it by unenthusiastic men. I've no idea why she married the fucker. xcalibur - apparently so. shakti - mine too. As mentioned, I wouldn't even attempt sex with a man that didn't love it. One of my most twisted relationships lasted as long as it did because my lover was a genius at it. Still miss it actually. prof - Body anxiety accounts for a lot of resistance to various sex acts. In women and men though. I never want to see myself having sex actually - don't need to get all anxious at this late stage.
airheadgenius commented on Sep 19 08 at 1:17 pm
zeitgeisty - the overwhelming point here is that it IS normal and, for most, a requisite part of sex, as you can see if you read the confessions. There is just the one man that doesn't like it (or woman who has encountered a man that doesn't like it, depending on your reading of the original confession) and the votes from that show that most are into it. Maybe you just skim read looking for something to disagree with me on? I can't imagine you have poor reading comprehension skills.
airheadgenius commented on Sep 19 08 at 1:46 pm
Toluca - "I wouldn't call it a "rare" activity, but there are still plenty of men who don't do it, or will only do it if they really love the woman" REALLY??? Man, have I been lucky!
airheadgenius commented on Sep 19 08 at 1:47 pm
dvalerley - I think I just fell in love with you. My first girl crush in ages.
airheadgenius commented on Sep 19 08 at 1:50 pm
"Toluca - looked like Depp, but not a cunning linguist???" Oh no, I think you misread. He was very into it -that's why I said it was quite a coincidence with this post. I just didn't get off.
Anonymous commented on Sep 19 08 at 2:20 pm
Toluca - I thought you meant eager yet crap. It's certainly not compulsory to be into cunnilingus - just happens to be a fave of mine. And thank goodness not everyone tastes of mango - not everyone likes mango! (Although, if you do, drop me a line as you could be in for a serious treat)
airheadgenius commented on Sep 19 08 at 2:27 pm
Mango is actually my favorite fruit, haha. If I finally decide to give muff-diving a try I may let you know -until then, I'll just be jealous...
Toluca_86 commented on Sep 19 08 at 2:41 pm
Toluca just answered that question for me!
zeitgeisty commented on Sep 19 08 at 4:09 pm
when a friend introduced me to mango he said it's like eating... you know what. love mango ever since it ALWAYS reminds me of eating... you know what. funny that you should taste like that
Anonymous commented on Sep 19 08 at 4:09 pm
zeit: I think your views of gender relations are boring, sorry. I've noticed recently I'm not the only woman on Hooksexup who agrees. I happen to be attracted to plenty of men, as well as some women. What of it? Is this suddenly middle school or something? ("you're gay!" "no you're gay!!") Actually this point reminds me of this time in 9th grade when a male classmate kept insisting any guy who didn't love boobs but think vaginas were gross was gay... Kind of funny in retrospect.
Toluca_86 commented on Sep 19 08 at 5:00 pm
Ms. Genius, The good news is that as greedy receivers, we won't have to go down on each other to express mutual admiration. Whew!
dvaleriey commented on Sep 19 08 at 5:05 pm
Did I miss something? Did I say anything in any of my post that called into question or judged your proclivities?
zeitgeisty commented on Sep 19 08 at 5:26 pm
maybe I misread you then... Though I was at least pretty sure your big question hadn't been whether or not I liked mango, for instance.
Toluca_86 commented on Sep 19 08 at 5:32 pm
no, no , no... I was responding to airhead using this post of yours as an example... "I wouldn't call it a "rare" activity, but there are still plenty of men who don't do it, or will only do it if they really love the woman. " had nothing to do with the mango comment... Guess it was confusing...
zeitgeisty commented on Sep 19 08 at 5:47 pm
Toluca to Zeit - "I think your views of gender relations are boring, sorry." 'nuff said.
shakti_vos commented on Sep 19 08 at 7:10 pm
Now that I am comfortably engaged I can release THE HONEY TRICK for mass consumption: Before amorous activities, I would dilute a touch of honey in water, apply in the nether regions, and smile mysteriously in response to the "it's so sweet" compliments. An ex boyfriend who made the banishing mistake of cheating admitted that it just wasn't as "delicious". Rather than fess up over a post-break-up beer, I said, "Well, every girl's different. There's no accounting for hygiene. Those of us who are really kind and beautiful inside just taste better."
dvaleriey commented on Sep 19 08 at 7:22 pm
hygiene is a key for me. honey in water, well that's waaaaay pass hygiene.
Anonymous commented on Sep 19 08 at 8:13 pm
Toluca_86 (in response to Zeig), well said! and AHG, brilliant post, as always. I swear, I become a fan of your daily knob more and more every day (which is saying a lot since I was already a big fan!). As for the topic at hand, a relationship without oral sex (giving or receiving) is a not a relationship I could stand being in. I suddenly crave mango.
spjv840 commented on Sep 19 08 at 9:28 pm
gimme a break. How 'bout actually WRITING a post that's worth a shit. Airhead's unorginal, but at least it's me she's copying.
zeitgeisty commented on Sep 19 08 at 9:50 pm
Zygotesy--accusing anybody of plagiarism whilst talking about sex, dating, romance and gender politics is like accusing someone of plagiarizing the dictionary! Are you kidding?
recycledbrooklyn commented on Sep 19 08 at 10:45 pm
I'm not going to hem and haw about it... whatever.
zeitgeisty commented on Sep 19 08 at 10:47 pm
zeitgeisty, your head is so far up your own ass i'm surprised you haven't choked to death yet. if you think you have the best (and original) writing on the blog, perhaps you should keep your head in your ass, since apparently it creates a nice little shelter from the reality outside.
spjv840 commented on Sep 20 08 at 8:12 am
"I'm not going to hem and haw about it... whatever." pretty much sums up what i think of your writing, z
Anonymous commented on Sep 20 08 at 8:17 am
All the carping recalls the story of the yogi who was so flexible he could toss his own salad...
recycledbrooklyn commented on Sep 20 08 at 8:52 am
Back to the subject at hand... so to speak. I don't want any perfumes or sweeteners. Au natural is just about as sweet as anything can be.
recycledbrooklyn commented on Sep 20 08 at 9:30 am
If anyone here was writing something **truly** original, not many would be likely to relate. Ya know . . . "I'll never forget the first time I put on the chicken suit, inserted the catheter, and slowly eased my feather-covered, tube-entwined body into the vat of warm, inviting lube. But you all know how that is . . ." And on an ickier note (depending on how you feel about chicken suits vs. disgusting bacteria, of course), I'd recommend against the ol' honey trick. One thing I learned when I got the horrible bacterial infection ref'd in a comment on amboabe's post was that sugar in the nether regions can lead to a bacterial or yeast infestation. Those critters always live down there, but given tasty sweet snacks, they can breed out of control. Obviously, doesn't happen in ever case, but it can. And it's horrible.
Anonymous commented on Sep 20 08 at 11:16 am
AHG- 'Maybe you just skim read looking for something to disagree with me on? I can't imagine you have poor reading comprehension skills.' or maybe you just can't handle the thought of anyone disagreeing with you AHG? just a thought.
vix_en25 commented on Sep 21 08 at 3:20 am
various fighting peeps - doing what the Dalai Lama would do here and rising above... zeit - I've no idea why you are so combative, but I am rising above as stated. dval - "Those of us who are really kind and beautiful inside just taste better" You should win an award for that. Priceless. anathema - reminds me of that awful Mr Bean skit where he ends up inside a turkey. You are so right that none of the subject subject matter is original, but hopefully individual bloggers have a different take on it or at least can write about it in an entertaining way. vix_en - I am opinionated and have thought long and hard on my viewpoints, but I am still more than ready to be disagreed with. My old blog had all kinds of discussions and debates and I never deleted comments. If a person is gratuitously insulting though, I tend to hit back. It's funny that those throwing the first punch are often the most perturbed to find their behaviour reciprocated. I welcome yours and any other comments, whether they are dissenting voices or songs of praise. (The latter being thrown in for English church goers)
airheadgenius commented on Sep 21 08 at 9:05 am
After many years of experience and marriage, I always enjoyed and WANTED to please my woman. My ex-wife would only enjoy the pleasure of an orgasm via stimulation of her clit and I would not give up using my tongue until she came. I have noticed that women have different tastes and odor, and it's not about cleanliness. But it's all good! If I happen to orgasm before my lover, I won't just roll over, instead I'll pleasure her until she orgasms multiple times and it will give me time to recharge my batteries. My current lover loves to play with my tongue while I'm having the time of my life. I have recently purchased the "Tongue Joy" and it drives her WILD when I use it on her clit or nipples. Never have met a woman that I didn't want to pleasure with my tongue!
Anonymous commented on Sep 28 08 at 8:30 pm

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