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Dating Confessions: What we WANT vs. what we NEED, and the power balance between men and women.. plus the Daily Throb

Posted by zeitgeisty
I have many friends that are unrelentingly searching for their ‘soul mate’, despite the fact that there’s absolutely no evidence that such a thing exists. Just because that creepy guy from E-harmony with the horrible caps on his teeth, and the spacey new age look in his eye comes on TV and espouses the merits of his website, does not mean that there is ONE special person out there JUST for YOU!

First off, you’re not that special - none of us are. We’re just drones, milling about this random orb like so many ants. Secondly, we’re all looking for what we THINK we want, and not what we NEED.   

When we’re in our 20s, the playing field is quite level. It’s a time where we all ‘sow our oats' and accrue as much experience as we can. Through this journey, we get to know ourselves, and what we ‘need’ from others. In our 30s, if we’re not paired off, we start disposing everything we learned in our 20s and start relying on what we ‘WANT’ from others.

For women, it’s more complicated, as the 30s are when the power gets shifted over to the men.

Sociologically, men are allowed – or rather indulged – with the option of an extended childhood. Many take advantage of this, choosing to be non-committal and aloof. I myself played this card for the first half of my 30s. Women on the other hand have more at stake. The thing is, if they went for what they ‘needed’ as opposed to what they ‘wanted’, I’m sure their rate of success would be greater.

Many of my female friends find themselves in this tricky situation. They’re constantly getting involved with the unattainable. I mean, if you’re an average woman in your later 30s, and you get involved with some young hot guy, the chance that you’re going to convince him to drop everything and commit is about as great as winning the lottery. This is not hyperbole, it’s pretty much fact. I keep telling my friends, why don’t you look for someone older, maybe a guy in his 40s, someone more stable who’s not interested in running around anymore. Their answer is invariably..

’Ewww.. that’s boring.. I don’t want some old guy’ 

So what happens next? They stay single. So now we’re into the 40s… Literally ‘no-mans land’ for the ladies.

I remember when I was using the online personals quite a bit, I would constantly get letters from women in their 40s. I found it a bit puzzling. It’s not that I’m an ‘agist’ or anything, really not at all, but as I was in my early 30s, and playing the ‘non-commital, aloof’ card, I just wasn’t looking for a ‘mommy’. What it was, I think , was the fact that a single woman in her 40s figures they’ve been single so long that at this point they sure as hell aren’t going to ‘settle’ for anything, so they just go for what they ‘want’ and hope for the best.

Again, the chance of getting what you want at this point is slim. As unfair as it is, women get the short end of the stick here. If you’re a guy, and you’re doing alright, have a decent job, keep yourself in shape, your shelf life is quite a bit longer than a woman’s. The point of all this is, if people didn’t feel that getting what you ‘need’ out of life was ‘settling’ then I think everyone would be a lot happier. 

Now, is it impossible to get what you want AND what you need? That’s the 100,000 dollar question. I suppose it’s POSSIBLE, but is it NECESSARY in order to live a satisfying and happy life?

In the end, who ever wins the lottery?



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dvaleriey said:

As a woman in her thrities who has enjoyed an extended childhood, I believe that avoiding the nags of an egalitarian relationship will keep ladies young and desirable.  

Working shoulder to shoulder with Dutch-treat Charlies can only make a gal haggard and forlorn.  When I finally decided to settle down with a sharp, funny, handsome man, there was one little catch:  I wanted to be kept as a housewife and allowed the afternoons to work on creative projects or just wile away the day.  I think a man begins to resent his "equal" but cherishes a sweet lil' lady under his wing.  Luckily, my home ventures are quietly lucrative and I'm padding a neat little retirement account.  Should things go wrong, I can survive.  Should things go right, we will travel lushly in our Golden Years.  

Women should date spoiled temperamental men in their twenties, then move on to charming fellows who baby them and know how to fix the sump pump.  

September 17, 2008 3:17 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Nice!.. SOunds like you're in a great place!

September 17, 2008 3:21 PM

airheadgenius said:

You seem to be operating under the assumption that all women are looking for a committed relationship. Many women are happy to, as you put it, extend their childhood. Especially those of us who already have our kids.

As for 40's being "no man's land", haven't you heard of Cougar action? In my experience, and that of many of my single 40+ friends, getting a date with men in their 20s, 30s 40s and beyond is about as difficult as getting coffee in Starbucks.

Finding a grown man that doesn't irritate the crap out of an intelligent woman, now that's a little trickier.

September 17, 2008 4:46 PM

aghmprettyok said:

In my experience guys that preach for all things equal between the sexes are cheap and annoyingly idealistic.  

September 17, 2008 4:50 PM

zeitgeisty said:

airhead - ah yes 'the cougar'.. Well I say if you're lucky enough to still have it going on as an older woman to get the young guys, then go for it... Unfortunately that's the exception to the rule... My blog wasn't speaking to those who want to extend their childhoods indefinitely, but more to the ones that want to try and find a satisfying long term relationhip with someone... As for finding a man that doesn't irritate the crp out of an intelligent woman, well a far as that goes I don't think that' a gender specific wish...

aghm - I hope that's not directed at me, a I wasn't preaching anything of the kind...

September 17, 2008 5:00 PM

dvaleriey said:

What you miss in a long term relationship:  intense frantic conversations that last until 4am, the shiny new YOU that emerges in the attempt to win over a stranger, the power to entrance someone with a lethal combination of sparkling wit, archival obscurum, and the mystery of your unseen flesh.

What you gain in a long term relationship:  security, the knowledge that you can be imperfect and still loveable, time to pursue other intellectual/creative ventures because you're not wrapped up in procuring sex, and the freedom from morning-after anxiety attacks borne of disease paranoia.  

How you know when to settle down:  When you tire of telling your best stories to yet another soul-mate candidate and just wish you could catalogue your past with one person and be done with it.    

September 17, 2008 6:12 PM

anathema_teatime said:

Not to get all up on my polyamory soapbox (a very shiny soapbox indeed, with glitter and ribbons and everything), but . . . part of the problem as I see it is that our society puts so much weight on the idea that one person will provide everything you want and need romantically. I mean, I have more than one friend. I have more than one workplace mentor. I have more than one coffee place. I have (a lot) more than one pair of shoes. So why on earth should I have to settle for one soulmate? Right now I have two, one I've been with for 20 years (yes, I am in the awesome no-man's-land 40s), the other a wonderful 22-year-old whom I've been seeing a little over a year. Other options are out there on the margins, but right now two boys plus occasional other boys or girls on the side seems like a good balance. I know poly people who have been in long-term relationships with two or three people for years, and it seems like a good option if you happen to be wired that way. Which I think more people would be if it seemed okay with friends, family, whatever. </soapbox>

September 17, 2008 6:31 PM

zeitgeisty said:

very excellently put Dval... I never had that whole 'frantic talking' until 4am thing though... who knows.. maybe one time when I was like 18, though I can't remember it... It's actually my girlfriend that I'm in a long-term relationship with that I have the endless conversations with as well as the archival obscurum stuff.. I think all that unseen flesh business is just so temporary, and the sparkling wit stuff.. tiring.. Of course I'm also not 20 years old anymore either

September 17, 2008 6:44 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

My experience is exactly the opposite... or the hearsay evidence I encounter anyway.  Even polls show that there are an increasing number of women, particularly women over 35, who are single by choice, and choose to remain so.  This is true of many of my female friends and I've read a load of stories and polls over the last few years.  Quite the opposite, I know a lot of single guys who are working overtime to nail down something long-term or permanent.  

September 17, 2008 6:45 PM

zeitgeisty said:

anathema - way to go, whatever gets you through the night is my philosopy... As long as it works go with it...

Recycled - I dont know what hearsay evidence you're hearing, but I have many, female friends, and the ones past 35 all sing the same song... where are the good guys? why don't they want to commit, why can't I find someone who wants me for more than just sex... I'm not just making this shit up.. As for guys that are looking to nail something down permanent, unless you look like the elephant man, and have a personality of a pretzel you have an entire city of women out there dying to get into something permanent... Grow some balls and get at it!

September 17, 2008 6:53 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Zeitgeisty--my suspicion is that you and I hang out in very different circles.  That's not a qualitative judgment though.

And consider that there are a lot of options between a committed relationship and "just sex."  I'm just saying that all evidence shows that there are a growing number of women who are single by choice.  They date.  They may even be involved with someone they care about... but not enough to blend lives.  Things get a lot more complicated when you get over a certain age and have children, and moreso the longer one is single.  That goes for both men and women.  And it's a fact that more women than ever have moved up the corporate ladder and don't require a second income to live the lifestyle they want to lead.  

September 17, 2008 7:30 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I'm sorry... if you're not in a committed relationhip, then what exactly is it? what is 'dating'? what is 'involved'?

I agree once you get over a certain age and certainly if you have kids it gets more complicated.. this is exactly what what my post was about...

My post was specifically about people searching for a 'soulmate'... someone who WANTS to get into a relationship... If all you're looking for is to 'date', then it's a much easier proposition...

September 17, 2008 7:43 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

I don't know if I believe in soulmates and furthermore, if it really does exist, it might not always be a good thing.  It would probably depend on what sort of baggage you're carrying around.

I'm just saying that there seem to be a lot of women with a growing awareness that they have more options.  

September 17, 2008 8:03 PM

zeitgeisty said:

agreed on both counts

September 17, 2008 8:08 PM

funrun73 said:

I'm amused by the comments that although rightly pointing out that the world has changed, and that women have so many more options, are still heavily based in an archaic view of the committed relationship (that it is only there to provide the woman support, leisure, the 'lifestyle' of their deserving, all based on the mans earning potential).

Isn't a modern committed relationship about two mature, self aware people, bringing the best of themselves together to create something greater than what either of them could individually.  A true partnership in whatever form they choose.  

Oh wait, I guess that really isn't compatible with the cynical, self-centred world... things don't get more complicated - people complicate things for themselves.

September 17, 2008 9:38 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I hear ya funrun...

September 17, 2008 10:32 PM

Toluca_86 said:


My parents although highly-educated people have more of a traditional relationship where my dad is the breadwinner and my mom is the housewife.

They have both been /miserable/ for years and I'll spare you the details but I'm convinced their "arrangement" is a large part of the problem.

So I side with recycled, and also, just believe strongly that different things work for different people.

September 17, 2008 10:36 PM

Toluca_86 said:

Also, have some of my comments been purposely moderated?  I saw some other posters said some way ruder things to the other bloggers and they allowed the comments to be public...

September 17, 2008 10:41 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Listen Toluca... while I appreciate that you've been a reader of mine from the behinning, twas' I that eraed your completely irrelevant posts about me reprinting a couple of blog a log entries here... Jesus.. Many people here never read anything I posted over there, and a lot of it was completely relevant to this forum.. moreover, it's not like EVERYTHING i post here i taken from there, just a few, just to keep it daily.. I think I've earned that. .. So yes you've been moderated.. If you wanna keep your posts relevant and insightful, you can be assured they'll go through.. I don't even care if they're insulting  - which is your usual tone anyway - just as long as it's relevant..

September 17, 2008 11:24 PM

Toluca_86 said:

I only had one post about you reposting entries.  I thought the others that disappeared were relevant to a discussion going on in the comments section -or to clarifying my prior comments.  But, whatever, not that big of a deal, just wanted to know...

September 18, 2008 12:08 AM

zeitgeisty said:

That was the only one I 'moderated' of yours...

September 18, 2008 5:37 AM

profrobert said:

Z, I dispute the premise of your post.  I used to think in terms of wants and needs, but finally came to see that "need" is unhealthy and needs (no pun intended) to be eliminated if possible.  Think of it this way:  If you "need" another person for a specific thing, you'll compromise on everything else that is "merely" a "want."  There's a reason "needy" is a pejorative term.

In my own life, it wasn't until I finally shed myself of needing certain things in a relationship -- indeed, in needing a relationship at all -- that I was able to be in a relationship I wanted and to work with my now wife to make a life together that we both want (not need).

September 19, 2008 12:15 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I think one can satisfy one's needs without being needy...

I do hear you on the idea of not needing a relationship though, and the positive affect it can have on actually entering into a good one..

September 19, 2008 4:17 PM

vix_en25 said:

I think I may have posted something a bit messy a few days ago when I was drunk out of my mind and I don't see it up. was that left out on purpose? if it was, im not offended because it really was shit. i think it was about porn sucking... or not sucking... or something.

September 20, 2008 11:10 AM

zeitgeisty said:

Dunno.. I think Toluca said the same thing... it wasn't me though.. you know always love to hear from you.. even if it was shit

September 20, 2008 11:39 AM

vix_en25 said:


Is it ok to say that I miss the Blog-a-log? Not that I don't like this, it's just that I liked the comments you got there and I don't seem to see the same people on date machine.

September 20, 2008 2:04 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Yeah.. well what are ya gonna do?

You know what this place needs?


September 20, 2008 6:40 PM




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I'm an existentialist trapped in the body of a rational humanist. I've got a penchant for misanthropy and a flair for the obvious. I'm quick with a joke or a light up your smoke, but there's someplace that I'd rather be. I'm Zeitgeisty, pleased to meet me I'm sure. Visit my blog at

Location: Somewhere on the isle of Manhattan...
Looking for: A shining good deed in a weary world...


I am a fish out of water - an opinionated cheeky smiling English chick in a land of larger than life Americans. I don't understand the culture. I don't understand asking if we're exclusive. I don't understand this weird practice of decapitating penises. Some days I am definitely MILF material. Other days I feel more like the material on the inside of yer grannys' handbag.

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Looking for: A stunning socialist with a propensity to pick winning lottery numbers


I'm a smart ass writer who'll argue your ear off, hold your hand close, and tell you the truth whenever. I'm a fool and a hero, a confessional soul, and lover of life in every conceivably absurd way that it can come. I also paint my toenails.

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Looking for: A sail, not an anchor.


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Looking for: Nothing mediocre

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