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Personals Drama: Did he die, or does he just not want to date me?

Posted by airheadgenius

So, he didn't ever write back to me.
The man that I married in my head.

It's ok really I know, but irritating none the less.
Where are his manners?
I mean, anyone can make a polite excuse - I met someone else, I am moving to Baltimore, I have inoperable cancer. See how easy that was?

To cap it all, we'd spoken on the phone. So, not only has he rejected me on the grounds of email, he has also rejected my dulcet tones. And don't forget I've got that accent going on. Gotta admit it, that stings.

Not that I haven't dished out my own fair share of rejection. In all fairness, I've been the rejector more often than the rejectee. But I don't leave my suitors hanging, wondering why. (That was a bare faced lie I've just realised. Sorry hanging peeps)

Being the rejector is better for the ego, I guess, but bad for the id. My ego does not have to contend with the notion that I might have a face like a slapped arse, but then my id doesn't get to get it's freak on.

I wish I hadn't ended my hook up. I have hook up rules though... once someone has been dismissed from service, it seems inappropriate to just call them up for a drive by. Kinda rude. I mean, even non-commitment has it's commitment element no? Plus, he broke the service agreement and therefore negated the contract. He got a little too involved and then I got a call from the girlfriend that I didn't know he had. (Actually, neither did he. She was an ex and stalkers are not a beautiful thing)

Anyway, back to the subject of my rejection. What I hate the most about this site is that you can go look at their profile to see if they've been back to the site. He has. And thus my fantasy that he died in a fire is dispelled. Not that I wish death by flame on anyone, but surely it's better to think he met an untimely death than face the fact that he just doesn't want to go out with me. Oo - but wait - maybe it's not him on his profile. Maybe he died in his bed at the hand of a violent lover and some detective is ploughing through his history folder looking for clues. Yep - that's definately more plausible. Feeling a bit better now.

(In case no-one ever writes to me again, this is not a serious post. It is ironic. It's supposed to be funny. Chuckle you serious mothafuckas. Chuckle why dontcha)

And in conclusion, direct your ears back to the top and the words of Aimee Mann. Insert "almost" as appropriate.

This song could be Hooksexup's anthem...



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Why I don't date Celebrities
Fashionably late or just a slacker


Today, I am posting an anti-knob, because I just don't get what all the fuss is about. Benicio del Toro looks like my kid's pediatrician. She is a bit mannish it has to be said. In any case, other chicks like him so this one is for you other chicks.






recycledbrooklyn said:

You can rest easy.  A man was found face down on Flatbush Avenue clutching a bunch of your printed e-mails in his hand.  They're still trying to figure out who Airheadgenius is.

October 15, 2008 6:57 PM

shakti_vos said:

he was overwhelmed by your awesomeness, he freaked out and had to find someone less clever and gorgeous to make him feel better about himself.  

October 15, 2008 11:00 PM

profrobert said:

My own personal order of preference for being rejected (having been so many, many times): 1. An honest "I don't think we click," either by e-mail, or by phone or in person if we've been on a few dates.  (Exception:  If we've slept together, don't make me travel an hour on the subway for what I think is a date just so you can dump me.)  2.  Disappearance.  I don't like it, but it's much better than 3.  Lying to me that "you just got into a relationship with someone else," while you keep your profile up and log into it every day.  I'm not offended by being dumped; I'm offended by having the dumper think I'm so stupid as to not figure out she's lying to me.  I've been tempted after a couple of weeks to write back, "So, how's that new, serious relationship going?  I see you're still logging in every day," but that would be pathetic and lame, so I never did it (not, you understand, that I haven't done many other pathetic and lame things over the years).

One great thing for me in the years I did internet dating is that after being rejected over and over again (and doing some rejecting myself, too), I got over it.  I finally realized it really isn't All About Me and My Shortcomings; it's about a dynamic that doesn't work (and even, sometimes, about the other person entirely).  It was very liberating.

October 16, 2008 11:28 AM

leonardo1976 said:

If he doesn't officially end it then he cannot regret later on the fact that he let you go.  We males are some weird creatures and we love to be right all the time!

October 16, 2008 11:49 AM

anathema_teatime said:


Oh, I can top your hour on the subway. My husband and I were apart for a few months while I finished grad school. I saved up all my pennies on my skimpy grad student stipend to fly cross country to see him for our anniversary. He informed me that he'd met someone else. Actually, she was there when I got to the apartment he'd been staying at. She was, he wasn't. (Long story, and she had been a mutual friend, so I think she actually wanted to be here so she could talk to me, apologize, whatever.) I asked him what the hell he thought he was doing having me fly cross country to dump me. He said he didn't think it was the kind of thing one should do on the phone. I guess he had a point, but if you'd asked me whether I wanted to have my heart broken **and** spend $900 for the privilege, I'd have said no.

October 16, 2008 1:30 PM

airheadgenius said:

recycled - thanks matey. Your cheque's in the mail.

shakti - and it looks like I owe you dinner.

prof - my tongue was in my cheek as usual. I've actually been reasonably lucky when getting dumped. Although there was this one guy that did it and I tried to run him over with my car. But that's a story for another day...

leonardo - mmm, interesting point. I remember back in the teenage days or maybe early twenties when the boy would just be mean so that the girl ended the relationship. Funny how you peeps work.

anathema - DESPERATE to know this!!! Ex husband or current husband???

October 16, 2008 10:11 PM

thea said:

Leonardo that is such a soothing thought.

October 17, 2008 11:11 PM


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