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Sex Machine : LICKING ass and taking names - my ANAL fixation... plus throbbage.

Posted by zeitgeisty
I enjoy licking some ass.

Whenever I have occasion to go down on a snatch, I always attend to the ole' chocolate starfish as well. Some people find this revolting, yet I feel it’s terribly unfair to the poor little pursed mouthed poop shoot to just completely ignore it. I mean I figure If I’m gonna take the time to visit downtown, I might as well pop over to the smelly neighbor next door to exchange  a few pleasantries.

The detractors might state that it’s unsanitary, that you could possibly pick up some strange hoof and mouth like disease, where your lips shrivel up and turn brown, but I just say they’re all playa haters. I’ve never had a problem down there, save for this one time where I did find a trace of something that resembled a kernel of corn. Still, ONE kernel of corn could never dissuade my lustful thirst for ass.

I’m sure psychologically my ass fixation must typify me in some way. Perhaps I’m an anal expulsive – someone fixated in the anal stage of psycho-sexual development. You see, an anal expulsive personality is broadly defined as exhibiting cruelty, emotional outbursts, disorganization, self-confidence, liberal-mindedness, (sometimes) artistic ability, generosity, rebelliousness and general carelessness.

This description pretty much sums me up PERFECTLY. 

To think that my entire personality stems from a conflict with my parents during toilet training is truly amazing. It is very true however,  that I had an extremely difficult time with the whole ‘wiping my own ass’ thing. I think I was like 7 or 8 years old before I got the hang of it. I remember I would have to call my parents whenever I was done taking a dump…. 

‘MAMA… BABA (that’s what I call my father) … I’m FINIIISSSSHHHEEED!!!!!!’ 

Sometimes if company was over, I’d have to stay in the bathroom for hours waiting to hear my mother pass by the bathroom door to catch her attention, so she could come in and wipe my ass. It was very stressful.

I can remember clear as day the first time I cleaned my own asshole. It was in elementary school, and I desperately needed to take a dump. I think I had the ‘chuckwagon’ at lunch, which was bologna and cheese heated on a bun, and it disagreed with me. Anyway, there I was STUCK. There was no way I was going to ask the teacher to wipe my ass, I mean, I was almost old enough to get a driver’s license for godsakes! So I sat there for a few minutes… then I looked at the toilet roll hanging on the wall, then I looked down at my turd floating happily in the murky yellow toilet water, then I looked at the roll again.. and suddenly it was like that scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey when the apes learn how to kill from the Monolith. I swear I could hear the stirring melody of ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ resounding in my head. I reached for the paper and took care of business – if a bit clumsily. No matter, my ass was more or less clean.

Could all of this sturm and drang really have influenced me sexually? It does kind of make sense.

Some women have asked me what it is exactly that turns me on about anal, licking ass, and all that ass-related play, and I could never really give any kind of an answer that could satisfy them suitably. It’s just something about the illicit nature of it all -  that it’s something you’re not supposed to do. It’s especially a turn on if the woman is really INTO it as well -  the fact that SHE’S turned on by this naughtiness is a mouthwatering rush. 

In the end, we all view sex through our own individual little chunks of coke bottle and mine just happens to be tinted in brown. 

I can deal with that.




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Pontifications on the bangin' of ass - The ANAL file

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fishnetsandlight said:

Can it be that we have something in common? I, too, refused to wipe my own ass for many years. Only my grandmother would indulge me, though. My mother would leave me screaming on the toilet. (Once, grandma went to California for a week... that was tough.)

That said, I distance myself from ass. I like things to go into other people's butts, but with minimal contact or effort on my part. Buttplugs? Yay! (Especially if they vibrate!) Fucking machines? Woo! My tongue? Not a chance.

November 25, 2008 3:13 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Yeah.. but still you enjoy sticking things in peoples asses.. there's gotta be a connection there somewhere!

November 25, 2008 3:15 PM

Thea said:

and oh my god MIA is so rock star gorgeous.

November 25, 2008 3:16 PM

Toluca_86 said:

Woohoo!  Finally a throb I agree with!

And so I will say nothing abou the rest of the post.

November 25, 2008 5:15 PM

theinternationalthreat said:

MIA is so ridiculously hot....and she has a third world leftist revolutionary father, just like me! Hahaha!

Glad we have graduated from ebormously titted throbage.

As for the corn comment....funny, but so, so wrong.

November 25, 2008 6:39 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I'm actually not too big into the rap.. but I dig M.I.A...

and corn can not dissuade me... although I did once vomit when I was around 9 from eating too much corn chowder at a Dunkin' Donuts... Still that just stopped me from eating corn chowder, not from eating ass.

November 25, 2008 6:42 PM

theinternationalthreat said:

its interesting to me that some people just aren't comfortable with that part of their bodies...

my gf has no problem with giving me rimjobs but doesn't like it when i reciprocate.  she doesn't feel comfortable with receiving even though performing appears to not be a problem.  yet she has had more than just my tongue on her ass with no complaint.  odd.

November 25, 2008 7:08 PM

Thea said:

nice of you to print my comment you stupid jerk.

November 25, 2008 7:58 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Thea - was that directed at me? I'm lost.

I don't particularly like receiving...

November 25, 2008 8:23 PM

airheadgenius said:

I am a willing recipient, but don't like doing it one bit. Sometimes I pretend, but it's a lie I tell you, a lie. I am not an arse licker under any circumstances.

November 25, 2008 9:48 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Hmmmm... all I can say on the rimming subject is, sharing is caring.

I've got some fantastic photos of MIA from a live show a couple years ago.  She is super hot, puts on a great show, and I've never seen so many hot desi women in one place.  

November 26, 2008 5:29 AM

Byron said:

I have enjoyed rimming with some women but only after a thorough shower with exotic soaps and foreplay. My girlfriend loves being probed and licked by me besides some playful ass slaps as she arches her back as I slowly spread her tiny thong apart for my tongue to play. After I put on some videos of women enjoying it (the girl and girl ones got her very hot) she was enthused!  

November 30, 2008 7:43 PM

anathema_teatime said:

@Byron . ..

Slowly spread her tiny thong apart? So, what? She wears really cheap or loosely woven underpants? I mean, if you were tearing the thong apart, that would make sense. Or pushing it to the side, always an advantage of wee knickers. But spreading her undies apart? Is she wearing one of those badly-made summer camp potholders as skivvies? You know what I'm talkin' 'bout:

December 6, 2008 8:53 PM




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