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Personals confessions: How I PICKED UP the BABES on the INTERNET!! the daily throb

Posted by zeitgeisty
To continue the theme of ‘online personals interaction’, I tried to find some old letters I’d sent during my dating days, to get an idea of what my pick up spiel was like. Unfortunately, I’ve deleted practically everything. However I do remember a couple of the key ‘catchphrases’ I always used to throw into my salutations with the hopes of ‘catching some fresh fish’ – if you’ll pardon the disgusting imagery.

I believe there are several rules to follow in order to ensure a good batting average.

First off, get to the point right away. I would never hem and haw in some long drawn out preliminary, prattling on about ‘how lame this online personals thing is’ or ‘god you meet so many weirdos on here’ or other similar types of inanity. No, I’d ask my prospective babe out for coffee and a Danish right out of the gate.

 If you received a message from me, when I was lookin’ to do some datin’, it would have probably sounded something like this.

 “Hey there _____, Spring has sprung, and with the budding of leaves, hope springs eternal. Perhaps, you’d care to join me in the partaking of some piping hot coffee and Danish at some time in the not too distant future? I happen to know where they make the finest Danish in the city, however you must keep the location to yourself, as I don’t want the word spreading all over the personals.

Please note -  if you’re not a coffee lover, any other beverage would be quite suitable  - I’m not judgmental that way.”

That’s pretty straightforward there. It’s quirky, yet not terribly so. Sometimes I would get a bit more elaborate and add a touch more whimsy such as…

 “…we could drink our beverage from porcelain cups and discuss all matters of the human condition. I ensure a good time will be had by all. If I disappoint, I will reimburse you the cost of one bonus Danish, which you can eat at your leisure at some point later down the road.”

Now, in addition to this, I would probably cursorily peruse the prospective babe’s profile in order to try and cherry pick one or two details of which I could possibly turn a witty phrase upon. For example, if someone were to have a quote of some sort which I recognized, I would expound pithily upon said quote in this fashion…

“Figure 8???.. That's my favorite school house rock tune.. Such a haunting melody.. Of course as a child, I found these songs quite confusing.. Conjunction junction what's your function? Still damned if I know - and I was an English major in college”

Now.. The most important part of the introduction would be two simple words added at the end of the note…

‘You’re adorable’

I tell you, this was the clincher. What woman doesn’t like to hear that they’re adorable?  

After awhile, I perfected the technique to such an extent that my ‘percentage’ was pretty damned near perfect. Of course many a variable went in to the equation. For instance, I never wrote to any women that appeared as if they were looking for some rich wall street type, as I knew from the outset that they were most definitely not looking for me. Moreover, I would never write to the women that highlighted their jugs, or had some kind of hyper-sexual profile.

I knew that these types were not serious, and probably had skanky pussy.

Now, I’m not saying I didn’t strike out big-time every now and again. I would definitely get the occasional ‘you seem like a nice guy, but go fuck yourself’ notes back, but for the most part, if it was Monday  I could probably procure myself some fish by the weekend -  the likes of which hopefully wouldn’t give me food poisoning.



amber ros - Kanye west's girlfriend (beard)

If you're hot then it's ok? 

 Handjobs in Hungary

Striving for consistently decent sex

one year anniversary

bachmann turns my stomach overdrive

dream date

i love ya but i don't like ya

how i met my girlfriend

valentines day

blogger doodles


sexual pet peeves

date with a transvestite - blogger doodle

sex with ichat

the myth of the bad boy

blind leading the blind

facebook 25 responses

how wet do you get?

my lame attempts at voyeurism

Celebrity relationships

my soundtrack for a broken heart


100 posts!

Choking on desperation

I'm not an ASIAN fetishist


junk in 'da trunk : the ASS file

Fun with dating confessions

Stay away from my nipples!



Are all women gay?

She was an ex nazi but she had spectacular jugs

new years resolutions


are moustaches sexy?

the last 4 people i fucked slipped my mind

the indie girl in my office has knowledge of my bowel movements

merry xmas

twas the night before xmas

fuckability VS beauty

RELATIONSHIPS under stress.. Can true PASSION last?...

blogger doodle

Dancin'.. does it get you hot?

Telling the truth in relationships

How much sex is enough?

 The end of jealousy for me

Get that Zeitgeisty look!

Blogger Doodles

Rate THEIR pick-up lines

Older babe alert

 blogger doodles

Obligatory posting on cyber-sex

the importance of finding true sexual compatibility

Will you just take my penis in your hand already?

Snark and ass

blogger doodles

5 things I'm thankful for

licking ass and taking names

Snarky and assinine responses

Blogger doodles

The Origins of my cold, black heart

relationship dealbreakers

The different kinds of vaginas


Snarky dating confessions responses

Blogger doodles

I wanna bang your friend

Show me your jugs


Blogger doodles

Is there an expiration date on passion? 



 crazy pants

 used to be cool - zeitgeisty on MTV

hurting for a squirting - the female ejaculation file


blogger doodles 3

the gardener and the rose

We fart therefore we are


 Blogger doodles 2

My most cringeworthy moments with women

Are you a sociopath part 2

Are you a sociopath part 1


 blogger doodles

The worst sex of my life

The sex and the city movie was lame

commitment phobia is a myth



Do.. do women really suck in bed?

The odd disconnect between profile photos and reality

50 sexual expereiences I've never had

Dating COnfessions translations

 I'm a breast man... the JUGS file

John McCain makes my peepee go limp

Video blog - 'The word on the steet' - the nature of attraction.

My dating confessions TRANSLATIONS

My internet dating advice

What we want vs. What we need and the power balance between man and women

All Porn SUCKS!!

The night PAULINA and I discussed sex

How important are someone's politics when choosing a patrner?

 Hooksexup Confessions: It's all about the looks stupid!

Sex with someone I love - The MASTURBATION file

The Greatest Online Dating story - The PERSONALS file

'But baby I HAVE to put a profile up, it's required!!' - The GIRLFRIEND file

BITE ME! - Snark.

My first kiss...a remembrance of thing past

Feel the paste in you face - The FACIAL file

Talk dirty to me!!

I abstain! The fear to fuck

The unvarnished TRUTH about dating on the internet.


Pontifications on the bangin' of ass - The ANAL file

The brass ring



nicknickleby said:

Damn Maestro, very slick! Despite your success, sounds like you kept your spending low - even for the finest Danish in the city.  

March 2, 2009 3:01 PM

zeitgeisty said:

yeah... another rule I forgot to mention - first meeting all she gets is coffee and danish.... keeps the overhead low.

March 2, 2009 3:11 PM

LydiaSarah said:

You must have dated a lot of hipsters...ZING!

Also, what's with that photo? It has to be over-doctored.  There is something very unnatural-looking about that ass.

March 2, 2009 5:23 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I met a few that turned out to be hipsters, but those never made it to a second date..

March 2, 2009 5:32 PM said:

It makes me extremely uncomfortable that this, apparently, "works":

“…we could drink our beverage from porcelain cups and discuss all matters of the human condition. I ensure a good time will be had by all. If I disappoint, I will reimburse you the cost of one bonus Danish, which you can eat at your leisure at some point later down the road.”

March 2, 2009 5:48 PM

call me Ishmael said:

Pastries -- the perfect lure when you're fishing for fat chicks.

March 2, 2009 6:09 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Ishmael - the more meat on the bones, the fatter the jugs!

March 2, 2009 7:36 PM

Toluca_86 said:

Damn... with the "You're Adorable" part being neither here nor there, I was thinking these might be the kind of messages I would actually respond to.  What a way to throw even more insecurity into my dating game.  I knew I'd been picking 'em wrong somehow...

March 2, 2009 7:46 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

That is one of the most unnatural photoshop jobs I've ever seen!  Not that Amber isn't an attractive woman, but she looks like an anime figure there.  Horrible!  

The humor thing eludes me.  The most common requirements I see on female profiles are

must have sense of humor

if you can make me laugh you're already there

And the like...  Sense of humor is really subjective.  For example, I don't recall ever laughing at Seinfeld, but lots of people I know can repeat taglines from that show and double over laughing.  Why don't people ever volunteer info on what they find funny?  Like...

head injuries

old ladies falling on ice

a really bad hairpiece


ANYTHING... How is anybody expected to know what will make a stranger laugh?  If I scald my genitals with scorching hot coffee, will she find it funny?  If the couple next to us gets into a hairy argument, will she laugh?  I know I will!  

March 2, 2009 7:53 PM

Mel Brooks said:

Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall in an open manhole and die.

March 2, 2009 8:29 PM

LydiaSarah said:

recycled--Glad you agree about the photo. Her ass looks both large and voluptuous and rock hard.  That is an surely an unnatural combination.  If an ass is rock hard, its' a smaller ass, while large and voluptuous asses are softer.  Her ass looks like it would pop if I stuck it with a pin. Or like it's made of some kind of shiny plastic. Or both. Really, they've gone so overboard with the highlights and shadow to add "defintion" that her whole body looks like a painting by a bad figure-drawing student. The space and light sources etc. dont' even make any sense. Please people, just let a beautiful woman's body be what it is!

Toluca--can't say I agree about responding. If a guy messaged me about sipping "piping hot" beverages from "porcelain cups" and discussing "all matters of the human condition" I'd be like "okay, he's trying waaaaay to hard."  Especially if he then tried to claim to be an English major who didn't know what a conjunction was for just so he could reference a schoolhouse rock song. But whatever works for you, Zeit.

March 2, 2009 8:50 PM

zeitgeisty said:


I agree, humor is totally subjective, and most people have NO sense of humor.. speaking of no sense of humor...

Toluca - maybe you should respond to the next guy that sends you something like this...

'Hey there hot stuff, I love your photos. It looks like you've been blessed with a treasure trove of luscious sweater meat. You're like an angel from above with those funbags. Hmmm... Seems like you've got a colossal rump as well. Congratulations on your scrumptious melons and firm shitter. Wanna meet up sometime?'

March 2, 2009 8:50 PM

zeitgeisty said:

LS - what's the obsession with her ass? It looks fine to me...  An ass can be big and firm.. There are all different types of glutimus to the maximus.

As for my little intro, if you think that it sounds like I'm 'trying too hard' that's pretty depressing... From my perspective, it's just a quick little note - no muss no fuss... What kind do you usually get? mono-syllabic grunts?

I'd be interested to hear what YOU'D respond to...

March 2, 2009 9:00 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Zeit--come on, dude, have a little sense of humor about yourself.  I haven't internet dated in a few years (I've been at capacity for a little while) and I never met anyone I was involved with through internet dating (a few friends though) so maybe I'm not the person to ask, but there's definitely something in between a monosyllabic grunt and some contrived-sounding pop culture references and college student-y self-conscious wit. But hey, if it got you some nice ladies, why should you care what I think? More power to you.

Also, that ass is not "firm" it looks ROCK HARD and like I could see my reflection in it. I tell you, that is not natural! My only point was, why couldn't they have just left her ass alone, even with a dimple or two.

March 2, 2009 9:31 PM

adriftinbklyn said:

yup. i can corroborate. i was the recipient of the school house rock email and i did - in fact - respond. that was the entire message, by the way, it didn't start with the spring is sprung routine or the piping hot / porcelain cup routine, which also might have struck me as a bit much. but the "you're adorable" charmed me and the next message included an offer of coffee and a danish.

it never happened. i went out of town and when i came back z's profile was no longer active. c'est la vie.

March 2, 2009 9:44 PM

zeitgeisty said:

LS - I think you're projecting with all that college student-y self conscious wit stuff, you are FAR closer to college age than I... I couldn't be self consciously college student-y if I tried!.. Wouldn't even know how...

Adrift - that was YOU? I had to look in my word files to find examples, as I erased all of them from Hooksexup... In one folder I found this example under 'drafts'... That is pretty weird.

The story makes sense though, whenever I heard the 'I'm out of town' bit, I usually never followed up.

March 2, 2009 9:55 PM

adriftinbklyn said:

oh yeah, that was me. there were a few more exchanges about nostalgic childhood memories, halloween costumes, math, christmas tree and pumpkin farms. you claimed to have gone dressed as a "greaser" every year, and gotten beat up by the tough kids who collected treats in pillow cases, when all you had was a plastic pumpkin and candy cigarettes rolled into your sleeve.

clearly i am impressed by manly men.

and you didn't not follow up. we had plans. i had a mid week trip but we were set for saturday. got back in town, went to email you about the time and your profile was nowhere to be found. i can only assume upon closer examination i was found lacking in the sweater treasure department.

oh, and i'm with LS. i'm quite sure that ass is glorious in it's natural state but this pic is all kinds of ridiculous.

March 2, 2009 10:10 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Yeah, I'm pretty manly alright... Like I said, when I was doing the online dating thing, that whole 'I'm out of town for two weeks' was a no-go for me... I always fancied myself as a 'get it while you can' commodity...

As for her ass, I still see nothing wrong with it... It's big, it's firm, it hangs, it swings, it sings songs, it does magic's colossal.  

March 2, 2009 10:47 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Yes, exactly, since I've been college age much more recently than you (btw, how do you know my age, I don't recall mentioning it) I KNOW college student-y when I see it! And if a guy asked me to discuss "all matters of the human condition" over coffee, I'd pretty much assume that he'd then want to deconstruct the heteronormative hegemony of polyphony or whatever. And talk about the banal values of the bourgeoisie and how Noam Chomsky is GOD! GOD I TELL YOU!!!

And there's no way that ass would swing. If it were touched it would probably give nary a ripple.  Well, her real ass probably would.  The ass in that photo doesn't actually exist, it's a Frankenstein of photo-touching. I stand by my position.

March 2, 2009 11:11 PM

call me Ishmael said:

Yarr!  The deeper the gills, the bigger the thrills!

March 2, 2009 11:38 PM

zeitgeisty said:

LS - I saw that you viewed me on the Hooksexup thing, and saw that you were 20... totally lame by the way, completely unfilled out with no photo... What the hell's the point?

As for discussing 'all matters of the human condition'.. it's called having a well rounded and interesting conversation... Again, YOU supplied the pseudo intellectual college BS...

I HAVE to have a profile up, and I have a GF, and even I have a photo up...

You are obsessed with that ass...

Ish  - the looser the waistband the deeper the quicksand...

March 2, 2009 11:51 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Huh? I'm 23, not 20.  I don't know what you're looking at because I never set up a profile. Maybe information from when I first signed up 3 years ago. There's no photo because I don't use Hooksexup, only read it.

I'm all for discussing the human condition but you can't start that conversation by saying "Let's discuss the human condition!" LAME!!!! But seriously, take a joke.

And I'm only continuing to discuss the ass because people keep on engaging the conversation. Don't blame this one on me, mister.  And this isn't a knock of big bottoms by the way, in case that's what it sounds like. I'm just advocating that big bottoms be allowed to fly free in all their bumcakey, mud flappy glory--no touching up!

March 3, 2009 12:30 AM

waitmexico said:

You're right - it is the "you're adorable" that would cinch it. Complimentary, evocative but not gushing. Damnit.

March 3, 2009 12:39 AM

Toluca_86 said:

I notice how you didn't address adrift's last post... 'tis a pity.

March 3, 2009 12:49 AM

Toluca_86 said:

LS: if you go back in the archives, you will learn that zeit developed his erotic psyche primarily through porn.  Realism is not strongly emphasized.

March 3, 2009 12:52 AM

zeitgeisty said:

Toluca you're a nut!

March 3, 2009 2:01 AM

zeitgeisty said:

LS - who says I can't start a conversation anyway I choose? Where's the rule book? 23.. 20 same diff.

Big bottom, big bottom talk about bum cakes my girl's got em'

Big Bottom drives me outta my mind...

How could I leave this behind??

March 3, 2009 2:04 AM

airheadgenius said:

"You're adorable" would totally break the deal for me. Nice for a puppy or a small child, but it would make me cringe if directed my way.

March 3, 2009 6:37 AM

profrobert said:

Huh, so that type of message works?  Who knew?  To me it seems both like the writer is trying too hard and that it's boilerplate.  I'd wonder how many other people got essentially the same message.

My first messages usually went something like, "I enjoyed your profile and the lovely smile in your photos.  [Insert reference to something specific in the profile, usually having to do with travel or books, or a career as a writer, lawyer or academic, or some other common interest or experience.]  I think we have common interests and values, and would enjoy talking, which is always a good place to start.  Best regards, Robert."  My intent was to show that I was actually interested in what the woman wrote in her profile and was not taking a shotgun approach by hitting on every single woman between the ages on 30 and 50.  My positive response rate with that type of message was about 10-20%.  Maybe I simply needed to be better-looking!

March 3, 2009 7:16 AM

Toluca_86 said:


You need to work ont he cleverness of your insults.  As a writer, I would expect more from you, yet I am repeatedly disappointed.


"I enjoyed your profile and the lovely smile in your photos."

Umm... no offense, profrobert, but yours to me is a lot like what you're accusing zeitgeisty of.  That sentence, for instance, is about as generic as generic gets.  But yeah, pry if you were Johnny Depp things would turn out differently. ;)

March 3, 2009 9:10 AM

profrobert said:

Toluca, yes, the first sentence was standard, but the bulk of the message was tied to the woman's profile.  I didn't always lead off with that; sometimes I'd launch right into what on the profile grabbed me (e.g., "Dear Username, I also spend a year traveling around the world and fell in love with the natural beauty of Vietnam . . ." etc.

You know, I really don't understand what women see in Johnny Depp.  He's a good actor, sure, but he has a really ghoulish aspect to my mind.  George Clooney I get.  Brad Pitt I get.  Johnny Depp -- I just don't see it.

March 3, 2009 9:26 AM

zeitgeisty said:

AIrhead - Maybe you're just not an adorable kinda gal...

Prorob - haha! C'mon my brother, that message of yours was as stale as day old bread, no wonder you only got a 10-20% response rate. To technically take that apart I would point out that:

a) as Toluca said, 'I enjoyed your profile and lovely smile in your photos'?? HUH?? Just at that sentence most women would fall asleep. First off, never give a compliment about any thing too specific to a stranger especially something totally corny and generic as a 'smile'..

b) NEVER talk about career on an intro e-mail. I know personally that's so utterly BORING. I hate that question, '...and what do YOU do??'

c) Never assume common interest, merely that you think you'd have a great time.. and be a bit enthusiastic for godsakes. I like using funny words like 'colossal'.

Also, I didn't send messages to every girl 28-38 on there, I was very specific as to who I contacted. I would reference stuff in their profile in a more whimsical and imaginitive and more to the point funny way.

The bottom line is women must get 1000 e-mails like yours a day, at the very least when I sent someone an e-mail, they'd remember who I was.

also last point... never give them your name on the first bounce, that way there's some mystery.

Toluca - that wasn't meant to be an insult... If I was going to truly insult someone they would know it!

You're just nutty, but hey, it adds to the conversation sometimes.

March 3, 2009 9:41 AM

profrobert said:

Z, I'd point out two things in response: 1) My first name is part of my username, so my air of mystery is alreay dissipated, and 2) Whatever I was doing, it seems to have worked for my wife, whom I met on this site.  Maybe the real lesson is quality over quantity.

March 3, 2009 10:01 AM

zeitgeisty said:

Well I'm happy for you, and that you found a great enough woman to see you were a catch through that HORRIBLE e-mail of yours!!

March 3, 2009 10:07 AM

LydiaSarah said:

Zeit--no, there is no rule book. It's all a free-for-all. So that means you can start conversations in whichever way you want, and I can laugh at you as much as I want. Perfect!

I do agree with you about a couple things, in particular the careers conversation. BORING, I HATE that conversation. Especially since I play music in the evenings so that inevitably leads to the "Oh, what genre?" question, which seems logical but which is, as you probably know, the worst question ever. (Take note, people dating musicians!)

As for Johnny Depp, the ghoulishness is part of the sexiness.  Brad is boring. Johnny's got a little freak in him. rawr. (Although his prime was definitely the 90's).

March 3, 2009 11:30 AM

zeitgeisty said:

laugh away, as long as you're being entertained I've done my job.

March 3, 2009 11:34 AM

leslie098 said:

I'm definitely not the target recipient of an email like that but there's nothing wrong with it as I'm sure it works swimmingly.  My style just isn't that sugar-coated-David-Sedaris cute.  I wanna go out with the guy laughing at head injuries.  We're all different.

March 3, 2009 2:07 PM

zeitgeisty said:

You want someone that would laugh at a head injury?

How about tittering over quadriplegics? Or perhaps chucking over cancer?Or of course my favorite, guffawing over rape?

March 3, 2009 2:14 PM

leslie098 said:

Cancer, rape, and brain injury are all part of the human condition.  It helps to laugh.

March 3, 2009 2:58 PM

loobetchka said:




... as a puddle of urine.

March 3, 2009 3:27 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Yeah... tell that to the ones who have cancer, been raped, can't walk and have brain injuries... I'm sure they find the humor in it all...

March 3, 2009 3:29 PM

leslie098 said:

I can only speak for the ones with brain injuries with whom I converse often and trust me...they find humor in EVERYTHING

March 3, 2009 8:15 PM

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DATE MACHINE explores the triumphs and tragedies of your dating confessions. Look here for commentary, dating advice, and our own salacious (or ridiculous) dating stories.



Professional Dominatrix, lapsed English major and token black chick extraordinaire. I'm also a great big perv. Bend over.

Location:New York, New York
Looking for: Those who aren't too afraid.


I'm an existentialist trapped in the body of a rational humanist. I've got a penchant for misanthropy and a flair for the obvious. I'm quick with a joke or a light up your smoke, but there's someplace that I'd rather be. I'm Zeitgeisty, pleased to meet me I'm sure. Visit my blog at

Location: Somewhere on the isle of Manhattan...
Looking for: A shining good deed in a weary world...


I am a fish out of water - an opinionated cheeky smiling English chick in a land of larger than life Americans. I don't understand the culture. I don't understand asking if we're exclusive. I don't understand this weird practice of decapitating penises. Some days I am definitely MILF material. Other days I feel more like the material on the inside of yer grannys' handbag.

Location: Brooklyn
Looking for: A stunning socialist with a propensity to pick winning lottery numbers


I'm a smart ass writer who'll argue your ear off, hold your hand close, and tell you the truth whenever. I'm a fool and a hero, a confessional soul, and lover of life in every conceivably absurd way that it can come. I also paint my toenails.

Location: San Francisco
Looking for: A sail, not an anchor.


Slightly neurotic, over-analyzing girl..err, woman, with too much charm for the average person to handle. Has a fondness for red wine, cheap beer and a good time.

Location: The Igloo, Canada
Looking for: Nothing mediocre

Hooksexup Pesronals
